E4A Featured on Fox 13 News

E4A talked about the impact it’s making on suicide prevention on Fox 13’s Good Day [...]

Leave a Review on BestCompany.com and they’ll donate $2 p/review

Help support Especially for Athletes by leaving reviews on Bestcompany.com for any service you have used. [...]

Victims VS Victors

I wrote this today because it was on my mind. I thought it might be [...]

E4A Athletes at Maple Mountain Raise Funds for Tabitha’s Way

New article posted on ServeDaily.com about a group of E4A athletes at Maple Mountain that [...]

That Mother Under the Umbrella

We wrote this poem in honor of all of those moms who sacrifice so much [...]

What Can E4A Learn From the Marines

Our US Marines are truly some of the most powerful, precise warriors on this planet. [...]

Effort & Attitude…Be Great in Those Areas You Can Control

The other day I walked into the house of an awesome father who had a [...]

You Can’t Fake Love, But You Can Develop It

At Especially for Athletes we encourage athletes to reach out to and genuinely love those [...]

Maple Mountain High School athletes inspired by movement

Especially for Athletes (E4A) is a movement specifically designed to inspire athletes and those with [...]

Resiliency: A Characteristic Learned Through Experience. It’s Okay to Lose!

Sports teach kids to be Losers….and that is a really good thing One of the [...]